Introducing Site List Upload: Enhance your productivity with Comet Suite!

Hey there, Comet Suite users!
We've got some exciting news for you today! We've just rolled out a brand new feature that will make your life even easier: the ability to upload a list of sites to our platform.
Now, we know that manually inputting a long list of sites can be a tedious and time-consuming process. That's why we've listened to your feedback and implemented this feature to streamline your workflow. With just a few clicks, you can now upload a CSV or Excel file containing all the sites you want to track.
Imagine the time you'll save! Whether you're managing multiple projects or monitoring a large portfolio of websites, this feature will help you get organized in no time. Plus, it's super simple to use. Just start a new campaign and then click on the "PLUS" icon on the right , select your file, and voila! We'll take care of the rest.