July 29th 2023
worked on the functionality to create dashboard dynamic packages, generated the link
Created user from dashboard and leads with a generated link
Checked payment platform duplicate child accounts bug.
fixed the issue related with deletion after searching inside industry, people, single campaign results
made a post request for a link with 4 field types (first_name, last_name, email address, password) and created a user in dashboard
+ Leads (with a plan and a subscription of this link)
worked on getting the card of the user who created the package and created the functionality for attaching a new card
during the search of leads users calculated the balance of the parent user from the dashboard and extracted money for the used leads
automatically added the balance of the parent user from dashbiard if the balance is <100$
added a functionality to manually add the balance for dashboard parent user
worked on the functionality to display search history of leads users of the current month (the plan name and the search number)
created a functionality to cancel the subscription
Created user from dashboard and leads with a generated link
Checked payment platform duplicate child accounts bug.
fixed the issue related with deletion after searching inside industry, people, single campaign results
made a post request for a link with 4 field types (first_name, last_name, email address, password) and created a user in dashboard
+ Leads (with a plan and a subscription of this link)
worked on getting the card of the user who created the package and created the functionality for attaching a new card
during the search of leads users calculated the balance of the parent user from the dashboard and extracted money for the used leads
automatically added the balance of the parent user from dashbiard if the balance is <100$
added a functionality to manually add the balance for dashboard parent user
worked on the functionality to display search history of leads users of the current month (the plan name and the search number)
created a functionality to cancel the subscription
worked on the functionality to create dynamic packages
fixed the issue related with deletion after searching inside Industry campaigns
changed the pages for dynamic packages according to the new requirements
worked on the "Packages" tab where reseller can view all the created packages, create new ones by filling in the relevant fields
"worked on the “Subscriptions” tab where reseller can see the user name, email, the total leads and used leads, package name and
the started date, also can cancel subscription and view the history of the previous month
worked on the “Transaction History” tab where the history of the transactions is displayed "
worked on integration of payment system with the backend
fixed the issue related with deletion after searching inside Industry campaigns
changed the pages for dynamic packages according to the new requirements
worked on the "Packages" tab where reseller can view all the created packages, create new ones by filling in the relevant fields
"worked on the “Subscriptions” tab where reseller can see the user name, email, the total leads and used leads, package name and
the started date, also can cancel subscription and view the history of the previous month
worked on the “Transaction History” tab where the history of the transactions is displayed "
worked on integration of payment system with the backend