Week Ending 19th August

Worked on the backend logic that user can edit our OpenAi questions
Added users reactivate functionality
checked the created child account if only the payment method is paykickstart.
sent to custom integration all the social profiles and AI texts
displayed the positions for the results of industry search
displayed dashboard parent user settings (logo, colors, etc) (Leads)
added a column (crm name) for leads child accounts ( dashboard  )
set max length rules for campaign and user business profiles
checked the error related with people ghl custom field
(Staging) bulk delete bug fix
fixed the bug in Industry country field (postal_code type field contains country) in google search response
generated Ai text job if openai key is paid
Tutorial additional files upload finished, front end file download
Made a research for an issue on searching stripe subscription (issue still isset on live)
Replace tutorial icon - filename, Hide Templates and download for user until templates are filled
Research reputation facebook accesses

worked on the AI text editing functionality
completed the frontend part of the manually account creations from  dashboard   subscription page,
worked on the frontend part of file download/upload functionality in ""Templates and Download"" page
completed the frontend logic for AI text editing functionality
added an input on  dashboard  >Business profile so that parent accounts can name the CRM connection
enlarged the modal for AI texts
added the position info for Industry campaigns
added the data about social profiles and AI texts to the test API for custom integrations
added validations for card attaching form in  dashboard