Week Ending 26th Feb

Get user campaigns by pagination and filtered by type. (V2 backend)
Change search results messages, if isset all or part duplicate results. (V2 backend)
Admin users create and edit, parent user not showing/update bug fixed. (V2 backend)
Check license limits before searching. (V2 backend)"
Admin searchers page backend logic done (change search history logic, add history_id in industry and peoples table) (V2 backend)
Add tooltip in Send To CRM button (V1 frontend)"
Add with emails count in admin dashboard Searches tab
Add Expired users count in admin dashboard Users tab.
Add name search in campaigns page.
Single search don't save phone number bug fixed.
Order Industry results with crm send time
Create Command for export user results with csv file. (old version backend)
Custom filters for all campaign types done.
Check if new source job is failed and set not pending status for this result.

integrated restore deleted users with api
fix tags and source validation
selected count on campaign page
hold selected results in different pages
campaigns update in case of profile change
added sent status
scroll-issue fixed
integrated admin searchers page with api
fix tags and source validation
dashboard searches field
New filtering for campaign pages
fix login-as-button logic
New filtering for campaign pages

whitelabel license dashboard
added welcome video modal
added one time price field packages page