Week Ending 9th Dec 2023

Implemented changes related with storing the OpenAI key model in the database
Made a research on the search auto-expand feature, exploring possibilities to implement it.
Resolved a bug related to saving API key models.
Fixed a bug related to single searches when the leads generated limit has expired.
Implemented a functionality to delete SMTP configurations from dashboard
Verified the uniqueness of emails using a dedicated endpoint.
Worked on modifications related to data tables, enhancing the overall usability and presentation of information.
Fixed Sent, Unsent, All filtering options for Industry, People and Single campaigns.
Fixed issue related to SMTP so that emails will be sent to corresponding SMTP configurations. 

Changed whitelabel support iframe link to a new one.

Made improvements and optimizations for internal systems to ensure its smooth functionality and optimal performance.
Made some enhancements to guarantee our infrastructure operates reliably at all times, with heightened speed to meet performance expectations.