Week Ending April 30th

1. CMT-289 set custom create contact email address as verified
2. CMT-297 added red dot backend functionality
1. CMT-296 generated demo searches real results for given search data
1. fixed the bug on demo campaigns, when the results aren't displayed for one of the searches
2. fixed the map on demo campaigns 
created 4 endpoints for the events that make a request from whitelabel to leads, for getting/deleting/updating/creating users 

fixed the bug related with checkboxes
Changed labels on the Integration page
fixed responsiveness issue
made the required changes for demo campaigns
added a homepage icon
added red dots for results
fixed a bug related with advanced filtering, when editing a search criteria
fixed the bug on the Integration page related with ""View request history"""
made changes on the Integration page related with request history
made minor changes throughout the website such us button placement, some alignments, etc.
created a page to display transaction fees on whitelabel
CMT-304 fixed font issues on the website