Week Ending Feb 5th

Change crm send code, remove models with job services.
Add pagination and search in leads backend related users get api endpoint
Change admin Plans resource, and check bug for admin middleware. (new version)
Bulk and single delete functional of all types results and emails. (new version)
Fix single results get by filter bug (new version)
Add ghl_job field in emails table and fix send ghl job bug. (old version backend)
Testing crm send status (old version backend)
Check industry search response bug (old version backend)
Add pending field for jobs (new version backend job logics change)
Send crm all emails count bug fix. (new version backend)
Single results count bug fix. (new version backend)
Single search error fixed. (new version backend)

whitelabel license dashboard
added cancel button stripe subscription table
fixed regenerate plans link
fixed GHL integration logic

leads (frontend)
campaign results single delete
campaign results all delete
admin plans page markup
working on login, forgot password, reset-password 

GHL api integration
csv export 
unauthorized bug fix