Week Ending Jan 16th

(Leads front) Remove campaigns status button in left panel
(Leads front) Set user logged in time 30 day.
(Leads new version) Change db, export industry and people results, and change this functional.
(Leads backend) Admin users page, search users by parent email
(Leads backend) Set user GHL token null, if response code = 401
 (Leads backend) Get related users by email for api call
(Leads backend) Set results and emails to_be_send_ghl=0 if this user ghl token is null
(Leads new version) Add User login api functional
(Leads backend) Update Related user by email
(Leads new version) Add User license date functional

Removed suit plans pages and related features.
Added leads packages page, 
Create new package using packages list from leads,
Connected to leads api to get list of users and show them in dashboard,
Connected to leads api to update user data from dashboard.
Go Highlevel Integration has been done, 
Send customer details to GHL api in case of new purchase.