Week ending July 1st 2023

Send the required endpoints for social media sites - lead enhancement
Fixed the bug of sending large amounts of results to crm
worked on a bug to not find people's emails if the company name is empty
Added industry social search.
checked the bug related with charging credits for the result without an email
changed ghl per minute rate limiting to per seconds limit
added functionality for profile pages for users, and campaigns, made changes for the first line generated from industries.
sorting admin top searchers. (in progress)
worked on the speed optimization of server
worked on saving the received data in the database
continued working on the database for the  additional server
fixed some bugs related with the retrieval of social media accounts
finalized the database
worked on general optimization of the additional server, so that social media accounts will be found more accurately
created a "business profile" section on the profile page as well as on the campaign>settings page, added required inputs, displayed the generated text near the business name with an icon