Week Ending May 13th 2023

Set 1 limit and job for industry and people CRM send.
Set log if log = invalid_domain in Email search
Filtered people with or without emails before csv exporting
Admin users full name search bug fix.
Checked the bug of sending results with phone number to CRM in people campaigns
Removed nulls from people csv exports.
Completed search history for campaigns backend logic
Added queued to sent status for custom integrations
Changed messages for default integration add and remove.
Changed forgot password email subject.
Keep user signed in, if the corresponding checkbox is selected
Upgraded laravel from 9 to 10
Added laravel limiter for ghl job (limiter for users) - in testing.

Fixed the bug related with checkboxes
Worked on the location pin drop of the map
Changed the campaign creation flow, added settings icon and integration connection status icon on the campaigns page
added search history page for campaigns
Completed without phone number and email results sending ticket
Changed in the frontend the campaign creation flow
Added queued to sent status for custom integrations
Completed keep me signed in functionality
Added reset button in admin additional details
Added zoom controls to the map and location pin drop
Worked on changes for campaigns history page and fixing the responsivness bugs related with new changes

On Dashboard added webhook in case of first sales of partner.