Week Ending May 6th

worked on limits for Hunter and GHL jobs.
worked on DB migration
CMT-307 added default field for user CRMs
fixed the bug related with Campaign tag and source creation
prevent results from sending to GHL without emails and phone number
worked on DB transfer
created a plan yearly/monthly reset field, is shareable field (created user search usage reset yearly and monthly logic)
checked people first and last name isset and length > 1 in hunter
fixed the bug when sending all Industry results to ghl 
CRM send status bug fix.
checked if result is not send to ghl, return result to queue.
resolved hunter 401 Unauthorized error.
checked anymailfinder job not find result error.
completed the backend logic so that in People campaigns results without email or phone number won't be send to crm. (if all is selected)
filter people before sending to CRM (if custom people are selected, not all)

added description and price fields when creating a plan
removed favicon
made some changes on the integration page, added an edit button and make default selection of the Integrations
added queued to send status
added checkboxes to the plan creation page
added a meesage to the modal when creating a demo campaign
fixed the sidebar related bug
fixed labels of on login page
worked on a ticket to prevent sending results to CRM without a phone number/email
working on adding zoom controls to the map
working on location pin drop on the map